The Baha’i Faith is a world-embracing community of believers following the teachings of Baha’u’llah, the prophet and founder of the Baha’i Faith. Please see https://www.bahai.us for detailed information about our beliefs and the organization of our communities.
This website is for the Westchester Baha’i Communities, a network of Baha’i assemblies, groups, and associated organizations throughout localities in Westchester County, New York. Postings are done on beahvl of the organizers of the various events, whether they be official Baha’i governing agencies (LSAs), the initiatives of invidiual groups and members, or initiatives of Baha’i-inspired organizations.
This page is the work of individual initiative, in cooperation with the Baha’i Area Teaching Committee (ATC) for Westchester County, New York. The organizer, maintainer, and author of “general information” web pages is Joe Bradley (Northcastle township) and any mistakes and omissions are his own. Copyrights are the joint property of the Baha’i LSAs therein.
Credits and Attributions
The original “theme” for this website was cloned from the Karna them on the Jekyll Themes website. All themes on Jekyll Themes are free to use, at least in their “free” versions.
The front page images is use-with-attribution artwork courtesy of the following:
Extracts and details from clipartmag.com:
- Children, Black and White Clipart
- Hummingbird Line Art
- Book, Black and White Clipart
- Youth Clipart Images
- Upcoming Events Clipart
Wikimedia Commons:
- [Falcon (Wikicommons)[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Black_and_white_line_art_drawing_of_swainson_hawk_bird_in_flight.jpg)
The nine-pointed star is from https://fontawesome.com. Yes, they have a “Baha’i” icon.
Other artwork copyright reserved by original holders.